The 9 Simple Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast.

8 min readJun 4, 2021

The 9 Simple Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast.

What’s up, Family . It’s Gulam Mohiuddin. Welcome to fit legends. Today we’re gonna show you The 9 Simple Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast to get a shredded six-pack all from home.

One of the benefits of training your abs is that you don’t really need equipment and you can get a challenging workout and see real results all from the comfort of your own home.

The 9 Simple Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast to get a shredded six-pack all from home.

Now, do you need to train abs to get a six pack? Your core plays a crucial role in contracting, rotating, and flexing your body as well as supporting all compound exercises.

So training your abdominals will not only avoid injury, but also increase the performance of your overall physical ability.

Now our abdominals are made up of our internal and external obliques of rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis, which are basically the layers of muscles that make up your abs.

So here are The 9 Simple Ways to Get 6-Pack Abs Fast.

1. Morning Cardio and light running.

Cardio exercise is a type of exercise that raises your heartbeat and it can have dramatic effects on not only your level of fitness but on overall as well.

Your respiratory and cardiovascular systems work together to deliver oxygen you breathe into all parts of your body and doing regular cardio exercise sessions strengthens.

systems and many of the organs in these systems regular cardio exercise can help increase lungs capacity or the amount of air your lungs can hold and it can also strengthen your heart over time.

regular cardio exercise paired with good nutritional habits can also help in fat loss burning more calories than you take in is key to weight loss and doing regular cardio sessions is a great way to increase the amount of calories your body is burning. Stamina will also improve walking long distances.

Cardio can also help improve sleep. Regular cardio sessions can help people fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper sleep. It can also improve sleep duration and decrease middle-of-the-night wake.

Related Article: Fat Burning Morning Routine You Can Do Everyday

2. Try High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

So HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training now, HIIT really feels like HIIT is not just those easy workouts during the interval. Real HIIT requires you to really burst up to bring your heart rate up to burn fat to get shredded.

So in the combination of ABS and HIIT you’ll get the both of getting a nice abs and fat burning effect right so before you start high intensity work it’s very important to warm up.

One study showed that young men who performed HIIT training for 20 minutes three times per week lost an average of 4.4 pounds (2 kg) and saw a 17% decrease in belly fat over a 12-week period Similarly, another study found that 17 women who did HIIT twice per week for 16 weeks had an 8% decrease in total belly fat.

You can try some of the HIITs, and they are Jumping jacks, Jumping squats, Burpees, Mountain climbers, or sprinting for 20–30 seconds with full energy.

Related Article: Best HIIT program to burn fat

3. Exercise your Abdominal Muscles.

when it comes to burning fat and getting a six pack ab. And best of all, all these exercises require no equipment.

All you need is your body and the ground and gravity and you’re good to go. Abs sculpting exercises and we’re gonna be using different exercises to target different areas of our abs.

The abdominals are a very big muscle group, which is gonna require a lot of different types of exercises to target every single area. The upper abs, lower abs, middle of your abs, your obliques and everything else in between.

So to be really aesthetic, you have to target all aspects of that muscle group. And of course, we’re gonna be incorporating fat burning exercises to burn that layer of fat right on top of our abs to make them really show, to make them a lot more aesthetic.

And the best of all, this ab routine is gonna make your core super strong.

These are the same Abdominal exercises: High Knee Taps, Russian Twists, Leg Raises, Hip Raises, Flutter Kick, Plank Knees to Elbow, Chair Sit Ups, Seated İn & Out, Jumping Jacks.

Related Article: Six pack abs workout without any equipment

4. Keep your body Hydrated.

Water is absolutely crucial to just about every aspect of health. It plays a role in everything from waste removal to temperature regulation.

Staying well-hydrated may also help bump your metabolism, burn extra belly fat and make it easier to get a set of six-pack abs.

In fact, one study found that drinking 500 milliliters of water temporarily increased energy expenditure by 24% for up to 60 minutes after eating.

Other research shows that drinking water may also reduce your appetite and increase weight loss.

One study with 48 middle-aged and older adults found that people who drank water before each meal lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period than those who didn’t.

Water requirements can vary based on a variety of factors, including age, body weight and activity level.

However, most research recommends drinking around 1–2 liters (34–68 ounces) of water per day to stay well-hydrated.

5. Increase your Protein Intake.

Protein is the single most important nutrient for weight loss and improving body composition.

Now after you eat, some of the calories are used for the purpose of digesting and metabolizing the food. This is often termed the thermic effect of food.

Now although not all sources agree on the exact figures, it’s clear that protein has a much higher thermic effect, about 20 to 30% compared to carbs which are five to 10% and fat which is zero to 3%. If you go with a thermic effect of 30% for protein, this means that 100 calories of protein only ends up as 70 usable calories in the body.

A high protein intake has been shown to boost metabolism and increase the amount of calories burned by about 80 to 100 per day. Now by making you burn more calories, high protein diets have a metabolic advantage over diets that are lower in protein.

Protein reduces appetite and makes you eat fewer calories. Protein can reduce hunger and appetite by several different mechanisms. Now this can lead to an automatic reduction in your calorie intake which is really important for weight loss.

Numerous studies have shown that when people increase their protein intake, they start eating fewer calories. This works on a meal to meal basis as well as a sustained day to day reduction in calorie intake as long as protein intake is kept high.

In one study, protein at 30% of calories caused people to automatically drop their calorie intake by 441 calories per day which is a huge amount. So high protein diets not only have a metabolic advantage, they also have an appetite advantage making it much easier to cut calories compared to low protein diets.

Protein makes you lose weight and helps you keep it off. Protein works on both sides of the calories in, calories out equation. So it helps you take fewer calories in and it helps you push more calories out.

For this reason it’s not surprising to see that high protein diets lead to weight loss, even without intentionally restricting calories, portions, fat or carbs.

When it comes to fat loss and building muscle, Protein is the king of nutrients. By replacing many foods in your diet with higher protein alternatives, you tip the carries-in versus carries-out balance in your favor. Just keep in mind that calories still count. Now protein can be really beneficial, but you won’t lose any weight if you don’t eat fewer calories than you burn.

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6. Don’t skip your meal.

people think that if they skip meals regularly they’re going to cut out a certain number of calories over the course of the day so let’s say that a typical meal that you might skip could have 400 500 600 calories logically it kind of makes sense that if you don’t eat that meal that’s 500 or 600 calories.

You’re not going to eat for the day but that tactic rarely works when you skip a meal what tends to happen is you get overly hungry for the next one so even though you’re thinking well I didn’t need a meal that had 300 or 400 or 500 calories now when the next meal rolls around you’re going to eat more than you would have so you’re going to eat more calories.

There’s even some studies that suggest that if you skip meals that you eat more for the rest of the day your body needs regular infusions, let’s say a protein and carbohydrate to keep your energy level up throughout the day and this isn’t just your physical energy.

This is your mental energy too so if you’re skipping a meal and you’re not getting the proteins and the carbohydrates that your mind means and your body needs you’re going to get tired and then what tends to happen is your mental energy is flagging.

So what do you do you reach for the wrong thing you start looking for sweets for example if you want to keep your mental and your physical energy up throughout the day you want to eat regular meals and snacks so you can sustain your energy if you start skipping meals how are you going to get all of those nutrient needs met.

7. Avoid Processed Foods.

Processed foods are one of the main reasons why people all over the world are getting fat and sick. How do we know? Well, every time a population adopts a western diet high in processed foods, they start to get sick.

Some food processing can be beneficial, such as pasteurizing or adding Vitamin D to milk.

But when I say processed foods here, I’m referring to any alterations to a food or its ingredients that either removes health-promoting components, such as fiber or phytochemicals, or adds in harmful components, such as trans fats.

So the term processed foods is a bit of a loose label, but I’m referring to the processing that makes foods less healthy. Processed foods tend to be low in fiber. Fiber, especially soluble, fermentable fiber, has many important health benefits. One of the main ones is that it functions as a prebiotic, feeding the friendly bacteria in the intestine.

Unfortunately, the fiber found naturally in foods is often lost during processing or intentionally removed. Therefore, processed foods tend to be very low in fiber. Processed foods are often very high in trans fats or processed vegetable oils.

It requires less energy and time to digest processed foods. Food manufacturers have certain criteria for their products. They must have a long shelf-life, each batch must be consistent in how they look and how they taste, and of course, they must be very easy for us to consume so that we buy more of it.

Processed foods are typically high in sugar. It’s well known that sugar, when consumed in excess, is seriously harmful.





Our Health and Fitness is very important part of our life, but in todays busy life no one have extra time to spend in gym. Keeping these things in mind I have