Healthy sex life tips for men and women

How to have a Healthy Sex Life as per Ayurveda? (Men & Women)

2 min readMay 10, 2021
How to have a Healthy Sex Life as per Ayurveda? (Men & Women)

Ayurveda’s take on human sexuality is one of the most misunderstood concepts how to have healthy sex life as per Ayurveda, how often should we indulge in sex, are there any natural contraceptives in Ayurveda, how to overcome problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, what are some of the precautions to be taken while planning a baby.

To get an answer to all these questions I went through various ayurvedic techs to bring out the most authentic information to you, reading this article till the end you will have a clear idea as to how you should go about your sexual life. So without any further delay let’s get started, hello friends welcome to fit legends.

Guidelines vary according to levels

Levels of consciousness

  • Enlightenment.
  • Peace.
  • Joy.
  • Love.
  • Acceptance.
  • Courage.
  • Pride.
  • Anger.
  • Desire.
  • Fear.
  • Grief.
  • Apathy.
  • Guilt.
  • Shame.

Celibacy was never forced upon

Celibacy was never forced upon but was always taken up voluntarily although it was not mainstream one of the most important ayurvedic concepts regarding sex involves “shukra” a Sanskrit term that denotes not only reproductive fluids but is much more it’s the most potent energy that is present in every cell of the body since birth in the form of ojas.

How to have a Healthy Sex Life as per Ayurveda? (Men & Women)

“Shukra Dhatu” is the last of the seven bodily tissues while shukra in our reproductive organs has the power to procreate a new life. Its presence in the rest of the body is the basis for sexual attraction, beauty enthusiasm, joy, health and creativity.





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